Utah ranked fifth in a poll of "pro-business" states conducted by economist and corporate relocation expert Ronald R. Pollina. "Pollina Corporate Top Ten Pro-Business States 2007: Keeping Jobs In America," a state-by-state evaluation of the job creation and retention efforts, ranked Virginia first. California was last.
The Pollina study evaluates and ranks states based on 28 factors including taxes, human resources, right-to-work legislation, energy costs, infrastructure spending, workers compensation legislation and jobs lost or gained. The evaluation includes state government-controlled factors based on incentive programs and state economic development departments.
Coach Robs Real Estate Corner Headline Animator
Friday, March 23, 2007
Economist puts Utah 5th on pro-business list
robert paisola,
utah business,
western capital
Investing and Having a Website, No Longer A Luxury, Posted by Robert Paisola

Most real estate investors already know that having a web site is not a luxury anymore, but a necessity. But most of them only have one web site. When trying to test new marketing, nothing works better then a web site to test your marketing idea and target a specific demographic such as marketing to FSBO's, pre-foreclosures, absentee owners etc…
There are now billions, if not trillions of web pages on the internet. So the competition for the visitors' viewing time is fierce. If your web site doesn't answer what's in it for them in 3 seconds or less, you are going to be "killed" by the click of the mouse.
This is why one page narrowly focused web sites are becoming more and more popular. They deal with a specific and targeted audience, while providing a solution to a well defined problem. Most real estate investors try to buy properties, sell properties, stop foreclosures, do short sales, wholesale, rehab and much more and all on one web site.
When there are too many choices people get confused. They want one simple answer and THEY WANT IT NOW! If they are facing foreclosure they don't care about your buyers list or how to get on it. Certainly they don't want anything to know about private money or self directed IRA's and how it can be invested in real estate. THEY WANT YOU TO TELL THEM HOW YOU CAN STOP THE FORECLOSURE.
That is it.
Just remember when writing your copy (your marketing text); What's in it for the reader, not for you!
The visitor does not care about you! Now this is harsh and it's not fair. But that is how the world works. And the human laws don't cease to exist on the home page of your web site. There is nothing wrong with having and elaborate branded corporate web site, but if you are doing a marketing campaign to a targeted audience, then don't send them to your corporate web site (which will only confuse them), send them to a niche web site that deals with your specific marketing campaign.
Remember, you only have 3 seconds to capture their attention. So if you are targeting a pre-foreclosure list, then send them to an easy to spell domain name that deals with pre-foreclosures and when they arrive answer what's in it for them in the very first paragraph in big red bold letters! If you only have 1 hour to write your copy, then spend 50 minutes in writing the headline that will capture the visitors attention.
If the visitor doesn't benefit from what you offered in the headline, they will click away to someone else's web site that promises to solve their problem. When asked why a real estate investor will not set up a targeted niche web site, the common answer is because it's to expensive to have them.
This misinformation comes from not understanding the economics of marketing. Web sites cost only $100 dollars to set up and $10 per month (or less) to maintain. The cost of a small marketing campaign is at lease $1000! These are rounded figures but show the relation in prices.
If you have a web site, ask for a discount (at least 50% off the second, third and other web sites) from your current web provider. You will get that very easy, or fire them and go to one of the thousand other web site providers – they are a dime a dozen.
So don't pay more then $100/$10. Now, let's look at the profits! First the huge advantage real estate investors have over 99% of other businesses, is that they have enormous profit margins. If you where selling soap for example, you couldn't afford to do the direct marketing since even if you sold 2%, it wouldn't be enough to cover your cost, but in real estate, even if you converted only 0.01% you could be making a fantastic profit.
So the cost of the second web site is totally irrelevant! The main question is; does it make at least 1 sale or not! And if done right it should! The beauty of niche web sites is that you can make many of them and if they don't work you just scrap them and make anther one. Once you find a winner, you keep it and look for the next winner.
Some investors have 5 or more, and they all make profits! In the future, real estate investors will have hundreds of web sites and they will all generate more profits then what they cost to produce and maintain! Most successful real estate entrepreneurs who are making 6 and 7 figure incomes are using multiple web sites.
They negotiate with the web site providers lower monthly fees so more profits stay with them not the web site provider. But you need multiple sites to test your ideas to make sure they work. Try pre-foreclosure we are expecting over 1 million pre-foreclosures in the next year (due to all the crazy loans out there).
Try marketing to absentee landlords. There are many lists you can get but you need a cheap web site to test your idea and if it works you could be raking in huge profits! And if not the risk is so small compared to the huge returns you can receive!
james smith real estate,
paisola foundation,
paisola real estate,
robert paisola,
western capital
Thursday, March 22, 2007
The 10 Reason Most Real Estate Investors Fail, By Robert Paisola

The 10 Reason Most Real Estate Investors Fail and How to Overcome Them.
TIP#1 What Your Bank Won't Tell You About How to Accelerate Your Debt in a Fraction of the Time and Expense - using "Reverse Compounding".
Let's face it, your bank is not in the business of making you money, they are in the business of making themselves money. At least this is what their stockholders demand of them. Last year it is estimated that most banks earned nearly one half of their profit from late fees and extra interest charges.
Wouldn't you love to be one of them?What if you could become a bank yourself, managing your own money, and take advantage of the tremendous amount of interest savings. The result would be that you could pay off your debts and mortgage in a fraction of the time.Don't underestimate the cost of debt during your lifetime.
100 years ago debt was not much of a factor in the economy, while today it dominates our lives. Some scholars even say we have become slaves to the banks, and don't even realize it. Thanks to technology, we can now reveal methods that can help you actually reduce the cost of existing debt, regardless of interest rates.
Now this is not about lowering your interest rate or payments or refinancing, if that was a solution it would have cured the problem a long time ago. This is about the real cost of borrowing and paying off debt. The system we'll use is called "Reverse Compounding".
If you would like to hear the answers to this and to all 10 Questions be sure to attend our upcoming boot camp.
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