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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Experience vs. Education By Donald Trump, Posted By Robert Paisola

Experience vs. Education
by Donald J. Trump

I talk a lot about education because I think a good college education can really take you far in life. At the same time, however, some people are incredibly book smart but are clueless when they deal with the real world. Others are street smart but can’t handle anything other than what they’re accustomed to.

A couple seasons ago, we based an entire season of The Apprentice on this premise, pitting highly educated candidates against those with less formal schooling. In the end, we discovered that the key to success was experience, not education. Experience comes from action - or doing - and involves taking risks.

Knowledge is essential, but knowledge alone certainly isn’t enough. You must be able to act on your knowledge. You must put it to work because doing is how you learn and how you ultimately prove yourself.

I’ve certainly taken a lot of risks and not all of them were rousing successes. Few things worth doing are risk-free, so prepare to take chances. Don’t always play it safe, but do try to minimize danger and be aware of what you could lose. Often, the risk will be worth the gamble, but sometimes it’ll be more than you can afford.

Don’t underestimate anything until you try it. You need hands-on involvement to understand anything - whether a task or an entire business operation - to know the problems you’ll face. You have to gain experience, and that only comes from actually doing - and doing often.

Donald J. Trump is Chairman of Trump University.

Posted by on 04/01/2007 9:54 PM
Mr. Trump, speaking of risks and learning from experience, I'd like you to look at and give me your ideas about this concept. I think that this is an economic shift that we may only see once in a lifetime. I would appreciate your insight. You can e-mail me at
Posted by member1545919 on 04/01/2007 11:14 PM
What is the saying a ton of theory is worth a pound of experience? or worth it's weight in gold. After seeing the Apprentice this evening I would have to agree. The LA Time's readers do not want to be bombarded by science. Even we as dentists are inundated with too much science.
The other team had the right idea, stunning models, a simple product shaped identifier. That's what sells in LA, sex appeal. I remember a table clinic presentation I made back in 95 in Palm Springs re my training device: "Gumtex, the ultimate practise" was the slogan we developed. I also offered to display dental products for manufacturers. At the time a Florida manufacturer introduced one of the first alcohol free mouth washes. A picture of Heather Locklear with her signature endorsing the product was all it took. The stack of autographed pages disappeared in an instant. Beauty and sex appeal sell, particularly in Southern California, in fact it has global appeal. It is certainly the direction most of our trade journals are taking. Keep it sweet and simple, and you'll have a winner!
Dr B 403-246-0523

Dr B 403-246-0523
Posted by member1542774 on 04/01/2007 11:17 PM
Mr. Trump,

I consider experience to be a vast & largely imperative part of having a well considered education. I'm a firm believer that nothing is for sure. However, if you don't take a chance at success, you've already failed.

In relation to episode of "The Apprentice" airing April 1st, the gentlemen who got fired deserved it for not keeping his personal affairs out of business.

Best regards,
Barry Weisinger
Posted by DebbieDee on 04/02/2007 12:27 AM
One thing that I found, to accomplish a job is the hardest job. If we are bad in communication to people, then our job is worthless. The point from Mr.Trump are very good and encourage to people.
Yes, we need good education! But the most important, the way we are deal with people!
No matter our education, from famous university or not, it is worthless if we are unable to deal with people to accomplish our job!
Good communication can bring to argue! Be cool in your mind, and keep follow through what people words. People need a time to understand with thoroughly for some points. Nothing instant in this world!
I believe The Apprentice is one other way to sharp our skill in all aspect for do business! GOOD LUCK THE APPRENTICE!
Posted by member1549079 on 04/02/2007 12:39 AM
I strongly support every statement made in this article. One man can be brilliant and ignorant at the same time. It's like the saying, "You will never know until you try it," because before you can give a stand point, you should 'have a taste' of what you are talking about. I believe people who have been places and tried things, have a legitimate say in things. I might not be the best at naming the elements of the Perodic table, but I know how to act on my feet and defend any position given to me.

Posted by member1366890 on 04/02/2007 3:05 AM
At first I know something about object.
Secondly, I experience that object.
Thirdly, I merge and become object.
Finally, Subject is object.
No action nedeed.

How do You read Ina on monitor( from right to left,?!)
Let somebody writte Ina on Your face.
How do You read it now:-)?

Ina Matijevic***
Posted by member1549255 on 04/02/2007 10:23 AM
This is right on the money. One must have both experience and education to be successful in
Posted by member1499085 on 04/02/2007 2:27 PM
Mr. Trump,

Great advice, but the problem I seem to be running into is I have my education in business administration but haven't been able to find work in this field because I lack experience. I have over 22 years of air force Supply experience, but I went to school to pursue a career in something other than supply after I retired. Even though, I recently read an article that businesses are starting to look for people with supply chain experience. Hopefully, my luck will turn.......rickyl
Posted by member1549388 on 04/02/2007 3:13 PM
Dear Mr. Trump,

generally education or better the stuff you learn in school and universities is the result of experiences. So it of course may appear that people with more work experience have the advantage, that they know what can be still found in no book.

I would say it depends on the type of business and the position inside a company if people with work experience or people with university degree are the correct candidates. Well i guess you know best that diffrent types of business require different types of peoples.

On the other hand, you will see in the way i write, that i belong to a foreign nation. Sure i am more the guy, who prefers to learn by doing, but without university education, i would be unable to read complex topics in english or to write here. And if you want so, by writing i gain experience. Certainly i make some mistakes, but i suppose that i am understandable.

So i would say as a german that in other nations it is more important among education to have a strong focus on other languages because we all already live in a global market. Therfore it needs a swift in the US to see more oppotunities to deal with other nations, but without the correct education people with only work experience will have no chance.They can only work for the local market.

And well when having focus on other languages this means a focus on other markets. Other markets require the knowledge of the diffrent laws and rules in other societies.

See i have some years of work experience in sales and also with key accounts. I decided to study again to be able to enter foreign markets. I know tons of business types that still not exist in your nation, but as long as i haven´t learned correct your law i will be unable to enter your market.

Therfore in my opinion it really depends on what people want to do and for which position they are needed. For sales generally it is better to take good looking people with experience, but when it is about management, leading employees, being responsible for the success of a company, it is definetely necessary at least to have a team of studied people.

In my country experience is part of university education, most applicants have to make an internship of 6 month before starting. During the education they also have to make an additional internship for 6 month, many students make two internships. And their is a large number of students, who made an apprenticeship or have some years of work experience before they decided to study. So here it is not the question experience vs. education, here it is no education without experience.

Maybe unemployment in your nation is not high enough, so that your people are not forced to learn more. Here we have unemployment rates between 10-20%. In nearly every family at least one is without job.

But we don´t put the head into the sand. We look forward to the future and we see an incredible growing market of e-jobs, jobs that can be done everywhere around the world as long the language is spoken.

This is what we do, in addition to our experiences we now learn to cope the future. There is hard competition on the work market. And we do not only learn one foreign language.

Well and you with your sharp words about the current US government will certainly agree that it isn´t i unwise if americans also would be able to speak other lanaguages, even if it is only to read foreign newspapers.

Unfortunately i can never take part on your Apprentice project, because i know, that you wouldn´t pay enough for a good idea, you are a business-man. If someone really believes in a career as new topmanager, tell me, when these guys are so talented, why then they were unable to found their own venture and just show by success what they can ?

Seriously i believe, that with your project you only found people who are willing to be on top in order to earn much money, but the real good ones you will never find.
Posted by on 04/02/2007 5:48 PM
Experience can be measured in many ways, execution is the best measurement of ability. If a good job was done, it doesn't matter how it got done. Many people can do well in school or make it off the streets, but never truly realize their dreams. On a purely financial comparison, the greater will side with education, however of the top percentage based on earnings would have nothing to do with either an education or "street smarts" it takes much more than one person to acheive success. A good judge of character is needed to find quality employees, intelligence is needed to know which "risk" has the greatest benefits and which the greatest pitfalls, and it takes balls to execute an idea in a successful fashion.

"Many good songs never get heard, and many good ideas never get realized."

Only with good mix of smarts, education, and determination and a bit of luck, can one succeed to a level of success that would deemed exceptional. While it may be easier for certain individuals to succeed I don't think that there is a definitive track. In order to be successful, each moment must be dedicated to success. A chain of successful decisions will yield successful results, Without 100% dedication over the course of many years, it is very difficult to acheive success. Research, planning and execution will determine the greatest potential return on investment of time, money and available resources

the bottom line is, how to get people to give you there money... That doesn't take an education, or hard times to understand. Whether its 1$ from a million people or $1million from one person. how can you take your 5 dollars and get someone to give you 10 dollars for it? maybe paint it fancy, and put some glitter on it, and tell them they need it! or turn that 5$ into a toy, and charge them $10?? or use technology, and build something that takes money and runs itself. Educate yourself, know the audience, and execute a plan. Neither education, nor street smarts will get you all the way there, but they'll definately help.
Posted by member1515164 on 04/02/2007 11:32 PM
Mr. Trump,

I agree that the end game is having more experience creates more success. My father was very successful salesman as well a high school dropout. Yet, through experience and self education, he got to the point where he was managing others who had MBA's. He would come home practically every day with a story about one of these individuals who had all this education and just didn't get how to sell. However, he believes so highly in education and it being a key to success.

There has to be a ballance between the two and that depending your profession you'll need more of one than the other. Gaining more education or more experinece is something we should all continue to do because the true goal is to have as much as possible of both. What's so great about your website and books is that they combine both of these essentials in a great way and I thank you for that.
Posted by KDReid on 04/03/2007 1:14 AM
Hooray for Donald Trump! Very well said Sir. I appreciate it like a good slam dunk! I also can appreciate success as experience getting its hands dirty, just as you in the wrestle ring! Awesome!
Posted by member1549783 on 04/03/2007 2:06 AM
If donald wants to run a University he should stop screwing up pronouns on every episode.

Donald stop using myself when it should be me.

When you say, "The others and myself will decide who to fire" that is totally wrong. Now every contestant is misusing myself too. It drives me crazy!
Posted by member1549819 on 04/03/2007 5:13 AM
MR. Trump thats is good advice but i really just came here to say

GOOD JOB ON SHAVEING Vince McMahon’s Head that was awsome
Posted by user89187 on 04/03/2007 6:08 AM
There is a lot to be said for both.
Posted by member1500449 on 04/03/2007 7:20 AM
Mr. Trump,

Watching the highly educated Tim trying to use every inch of his knowledge to save himself was interesting. I have a good friend with a PHD who has absolutely no idea how the real world works and we often get in discussions that end up with me saying something like ' theory..but in the real world this would not fly"!

Tim should have focussed on his strengths as a leader, and stopped defending his relationship. The correct thing would have been to admit that the relationship was wrong and give his absolute assurance that he was on track and ready to take care of business.

He didn't do this because he didn't have the experience to know what was going on in that boardroom. He never took control and certainly demonstrated to everyone how inexperienced he was.

Education is important. Experience is important. If you have a combination of both, your are in a better situation.

Tim was foolish to get involved with a girl during the formal job interview (thank you Frank for laying that on the table) and for someone with an extremely high education, he must have missed one of the most basic elements to success in business, don't let your heart lead your brain.

I remember as a young man working for a smart businessman who owned a chain of restaurants. When I commented on how good looking the girls were that worked for him he told me 'don't get your meat were you get your bread'. In other words work, make money and leave the girls alone. Excellent advice.

What course at Harvard teaches this?

Mitch Drew
Posted by user26105 on 04/03/2007 7:20 AM
Hello Mr. Trump,

is true that a tree measure the time between new year and Eastern
but nothing compare with hands on tasks and learn by doing again and again and again. A special tought on a slow down just a bit period

Wishing You A Happy Passover and Easter
Posted by member1549934 on 04/03/2007 12:58 PM
I had a look at and I yawned. Do these guys really think they have invented something new. They are offering something which is to become an industry standard. It is called IPTV and everyone will be doing it very soon. These service are already offered by your phone company, cable company plus anyone else who wants to enter the IPTV industry.

These guys are just repeating what the IPTV industry has been saying for three years so these guys have not come up with anything new. In fact they are just working an old Dot com module of using flashy statements to promote an old idea which everyone is working on.

I own and have owned it for years. If I know this, then a lot of others have already moved on this idea. Invest into the infactstucture and let the flash burn out and burn someone else's money.
Posted by user5576 on 04/03/2007 1:28 PM
I totally agree with Mr. Trump about Street Smarts. Education is important, but at the end of the day, it is your experience in the real world that will make you successful and take risks or live in a bubble.
We need to change the way we think about retirement, working, Mortgages, living longer, etc. You need to be aware of what is going to be needed in society in the next decade to be successful. I am retired from Untied Airlines,unfortunately, I am getting 1/3 of what I had anticipated pension from the PBGC.
Corporate America not what it used to be.

The digital world is here and so is Social Networking, Streaming Video, Video Email. I am affiliated with a company that I believe will be the next Microsoft.
In case anyone has an interest.

Beverly - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Posted by member1444979 on 04/03/2007 1:50 PM
I couldn`t agree more with u Mr.Trump.i myself have lived this exprinces i.e no matter what education u had,until u have ex prince u can be left behind like in our culture they say 'until u rid horse and fall,u cant know how to ride' i m studying in college and i had bitterness of repeating few classes but until u do mistakes u cant correct them!
Posted by member1483533 on 04/03/2007 2:46 PM
I beleave we mean when we use the word success. I tryed something new , and successed at it . So this is how you do that... To be World Class I could tell you every bump in the road . Because Ive been there.
Posted by member1324644 on 04/03/2007 3:35 PM
After reading Mr. Trumps article, and several of the comments attached to this blog, a comment I see being hinted at but not stated clearly, which could be pertinent for many "wannabe" entrepreneurs, who may read this and panic at the thought, "I don't have an education or experience. All I have is an idea!"

By creating, or hiring an advisory team, whether that be on a full-time, part-time, or on a per consultancy session basis, even the most inexperienced, uneducated entrepreneur, can succeed by utilizing the education and experience of others. Having said this, a word of caution must be expressed. If as an entrepreneur, over time, you do not invest yourself in ongoing education, even if it's only reading a book, or attending one day seminars here and there, then expect the excessive usuage of advisors to be a significant drain on your critical cash flow. You must build yourself, as you build your business to the point whereby both you and your business can stand on you're own two feet. You can educate yourself as you gain experience. Trump University is a good resource for just that.

James C. Tanner
British Columbia, Canada

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